Jessica and I haunted the hottest gay club, which turned out to be the movie theater at Reforma 222. Don’t ask me why because I don’t know the answer. We were at the movies at least every other day it seemed. The first one we sat down and saw was something called Crucifixion. This drew our attention for very different reasons. Jessica loves a horror film and I love a Romanian hay farmer.

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I Met David Sedaris, or, “I shit in your mother’s mouth!”

Today was awesome and I think I found my calling. More on that later. It’s probably a false alarm anyway. I’ve made that bold declaration a hundred times before. I […]

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Florida Escape Day 3

There were thunderstorms this morning, which woke me up several times. I never wake up to anything, so they must have been rather strong. I’ve been a light sleeper on […]

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Things I Loved/Hated This Week #18

LOVE: Readymade Margaritas: Whoever came up with this is a genius. I assume I should thank Señor Jose Cuervo. Is he or was he a real person? I like to […]

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