The Blessed Lights

I’ve been heavily influenced by many people I’ve never met. Some are long dead. Some have no reason to ever see me, let alone think about my existence. And some I just haven’t met, yet. People are a melange of influences. One of these influences wants me to write again — so, hello — and another of them is a beloved British celebrity. A national treasure. Joanna Lumley has no reason to know of me, but she crosses my mind daily.

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CUERNAVACA: Can I ever come back?

I firmly believe that any human is mostly capable of doing most any realistic thing they decide to put time, energy, and effort into. I mean, I could be a dancer, but I just don’t dance. And I don’t know if I’m not meant to be a dancer. I could have missed my calling and the world is missing out on my art. Or maybe not! That’s why life is so much fun, you can’t really plan for what talent you might have or how you get to use it.

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